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Mount Olympus - The Hercules and Xena Podcast

Jul 21, 2021

A normal schedule still eludes us, but Meg and Lucas stumble on Monster Ark, where Renee O'Connor goes looking for the lost Ark of Noah, no not the people evacuating Ark, the one Noah built to seal up evil and all that.


Also flashback to when malls were cool, because they aren't now.

Mount Olympus is a product of...

Jul 15, 2021


And now, as we do every week when we totally biff our recording schedule - Baywatch Nights!

Look, Baywatch Nights is a bad show, but how many shows have rollerblade crimes?  Baywatch Nights Episode 2: Bad Blades surely does.  All the crime John O'Hurley can crime up.

Meanwhile Remember One Arm the Wampa?


Jul 5, 2021

Its Xena 103: Eternal Bonds Gods wanna kill Xena, Ares wants to hook up with Xena, Joxer would like Gabrielle to explain why she doesn't love him, also save him from super deadly poison because of that whole Gods wanting to kill Xena thing.

Also this podcast recording seems cursed.

Our Own Hercules of Radio: Brian