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Mount Olympus - The Hercules and Xena Podcast

Mar 24, 2020


Xena adds rat chucking to her list of skills in Xena Episode 75 - Locked Up and Tied Down - Xena has to atone for her past again as we find the one girl who didn't have it coming!  Gabby offers a defense of 'warlording really should have a statute of limitations'

Most of the panel has speech impediments and they try...

Mar 18, 2020

It's an awkward time to talk about the end of the world in Hercules Ep 88: Somewhere over the Rainbow Bridge.  Ragnarok is here apparently as Hercules kills off another pantheon (at least briefly)

The panel discusses parades, but first we acknowledge the elephandemic in the room.

Mount Olympus is a product of Retrograde...

Mar 11, 2020

Footloose - Xena Episode 74: A Tale of Two Muses - Seriously 5 minutes of this episode is dancing.  Autolycus and Tara are both kind of wasted, everything is wasted.

Mark brings us tales from the sleepy morning, and Meg brings us up to date on all her Descendants.

Mount Olympus is a product of Retrograde Orbit Radio,...

Mar 4, 2020


Hercules tours the Scandinavian Icelands in Hercules Ep 87: Norse by Norsevest.  Things get.....honestly kind of dull, and Hercules manages to kill again by deciding that someone else's culture is dumb.

Meanwhile Minecraft is afoot.  And everyone is old and has pills.

Mount Olympus is a product of Retrograde Orbit...