Apr 10, 2019
Jumping Jehosaphat! The whole gang is back together as Brian tries to take them down a peg as we get back to Xena: Episode 52: The Debt (Part 1)
Xena tells tale of yet another flashback, about the time she went to Chin to take a very long detour filled revenge romp on maybe someday the Romans. Also of water kissing, chi, and that guy who fathered her child.
Gabby in the present forgets that Xena used to murder for funzies and wonders why Xena has to go kill a guy right this second.
The panel reunites and promptly forgets anything that has
happened in previous podcasts.
Mount Olympus is a product of Retrograde Orbit Radio, and is
brought to you by the following Retrograde Orbit Radio players:
Our Own Hercules of Radio: Brian
His Faithful Sidekick: Producer Mark
The Xena of Podcasts: Meg
Her Devoted Partner: Lucas
Find us on Facebook or Twitter @MountOlympusPod
Email the show: MountOlympusPod@gmail.com
Check out our website: www.retrogradeorbitradio.com