Dec 25, 2019
Christmas means a cool Christmas Album and that means we replace a normal episode of this podcast with Pitch Perfect 2
Pitch Perfect 2 - A wonderful movie about friendship and fighting the Germans. Also about traveling through time and finding out that someday they're going to make you leave college.
We also briefly...
Dec 18, 2019
Season 4 begins with Xena Ep 69: Adventures in the Sin Trade (Part 1) What sin trade? Who knows? Is the backstory laid out in a way that we can follow it? Not really? Is their evil shaman magic involved? Yes somehow? Alternate afterlives, you betcha!
The panel mostly passes on this episode and prefers to talk about a...
Dec 11, 2019
Hercules Season 5 starts off with Hercules Episode 82: Faith - Herc and Iolaus join up with Nebula to go meet her long lost demi-God brother Gilgamesh. Oh also whatcha gonna do when Dahak and his 26 inch pythons starts to run wild on you??!?!?
Meanwhile the panel is sad as death roams the land
Mount Olympus is a...
Dec 4, 2019
2Dahak2Furious with Xena Episode 68: Sacrifice (Part 2)
Xena and Gabby still need to kill Hope and get an offer of 'help' from Callisto. Meanwhile Joxer runs into trees. Also you can put Dahak out like a camp fire.
Meanwhile we start moving in to the Christmas season and Mark's love of all things Christmas.
Nov 27, 2019
Previously mentioned brief discussion of Pitch Perfect from months ago spills out into 2 hours of occupying everyone's brain.
Pitch Perfect - A wonderful movie about friendship and singing and maybe the mighty ducks? The panel goes all in to have their hearts warmed and ears....sung into? The all female Barden Bellas...